Mother Breastfeeding Her Baby




Sara Lafrance RN

Find the support

Sara Lafrance, RN

that you

Breastfeeding may be natural, but its not always easy.

I can help.

I have nearly 10 years of experience providing direct care to ​mothers and babies in a formal breastfeeding clinic. I am ​here to support you to achieve a comfortable latch, ensure ​an adequate milk supply and set the foundation for an ​enjoyable breastfeeding experience. Feel supported with in ​home service and on going follow up care.

Lets get started.

Woman breastfeed baby use breast pump simultaneously
Closeup Photo Of White Rose


Woman Breastfeeding Her Little Baby

Initial breastfeeding Consult - 1.5-2hr

In home service. Review of feeding, assessment of baby, breast ​oral structures, & weight. Observation of a feed. Teaching and ​interventions to optimize feeding & milk supply. Includes a ​written plan, referrals if needed & two follow up calls within 2 ​weeks.


Follow Up - 1hr

In home service. Review of current plan, address any new ​challenges. Includes weight, one follow up call

*within 12 months of initial consult, same infant


Prenatal breastfeeding education -2hr

In home service. review of breastfeeding basics, antenatal hand ​expression, preparation for the early days, what to expect and ​how to address challenges.

Partner/ support person involvement encouraged.

Additional expecting moms welcome, inquire for group rates.


Mother Breastfeeding Son on an Armchair

Reasons for a consult:

  • Nipple pain
  • Plugged Ducts
  • Milk supply (too much, not enough)
  • Engorgement
  • Infant weight gain
  • Tongue tie
  • Alternate feeding methods
    • Tube at breast
    • finger feeding
    • cup feeding
    • spoon/ syringe feeding
  • Pumping
    • flange fitting
    • exclusive pumping
    • milk storage
  • Nipple shield use
  • Breast or bottle refusal
  • Feeding multiples
feeds twins
Breast Milk Storage Bags in Refrigerator
Mother Breastfeeding Her Baby
Young Mother Breastfeeding Baby Baby at Home

Get in touch with me.

To book a consult or prenatal class, send me an email with your current concerns, and preferred method of contact (Phone/email). If you would like a phone call, include your preferred time of day.

Quickest response -You can also head over to Instagram and send me a DM.

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Sault Ste. Marie, On

